Top 6 Modern Tools for Windows App Development

Top 6 Modern Tools for Windows App Development

Today, many people believe that Windows app development is no more relevant in today’s time. However, it is not true at all as there are many new windows phone launches, so the scope of windows base app is increased day by day. For developing best Windows apps, there are many effective windows app development tools. 

Here, is a list most effective Windows App Development tools :

  • XAML Spy

    This is the relatively new tool but, one of the most effective tools in the recent time. XAML Spy is a visual runtime inspector for Windows Phone 8.x, Windows Store 8.x, and WPF Apps. This effective windows store app development tool can be used to gain access to all aspects of running XAML apps. XAML Spy can also monitor events in running XAML apps, and view statistics of running XAML apps. It can either be used as a Visual Studio extension, or as a standalone application.

  • ZipApp

    ZipApp is another effective tool supported by Nokia and Microsoft and is a very easy to use online Windows Store app creation. It contains many templates and application resources that make the creation of any Windows app fast and effective process.  Zip tool also allows you to download an app so that app development can customize Windows app with the help of tools likes such as Visual Studio, or upload it directly to the Windows Store.

  • Parse Windows 8 SDK

    Securing data is always remain the challenge for the developers. Parse SDK for Windows 8.x. can securely store any data and manage users with.NET code present in the SDK. Moreover, developers can Query your structured data, geo locations, and photos.

  • Infragistics NetAdvantage  for Windows UI 

    Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows UI has many wonderful features which make Windows 8.x Store app creation lot easier for the Windows app development. Some of the effective controls include Data Chart, Grid, Calendar, Barcode, Currency Input, Masked Input and the Persistence Framework.

  • Telerik RadControls for Windows 8 XAML

    Telerik controls for Windows 8 XAML includes AutoCompleteBox, Chart, Gauge, DataStorage, Grid, Pagination, Timepicker, and HubTile. These libraries are built in full compliance with the Windows Store UI requirements. This makes windows store app development much easier and faster.

  • Platformer Game Starter Kit

    This effective tool for Windows 8.x which help app developers to build games for the Windows 8.x Store easily. This starter kit includes the source code and, also free game art. App developer need is Visual Studio and the Platformer Game Starter Kit. The tool also offers free assistance about submitting the game to the Windows 8.x Store, which is the priceless thing for any windows app developer. 

Conclusion : 

However, the above tools aren't the only ones available. These were just hand-picked because of what they can do. There are many other excellent resources out there to help you build Windows Store apps. Above, given tools are considered of the most effective supporting Windows app development tools in the recent time for the purpose of app development.



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