
Showing posts from 2017

Top 5 Excellent Resources for the Windows App Developers

Windows app development is one of the decade old trends which continue. If you are a Windows app developer, you work in an industry that is always changing. It takes lots of time and effort for the developers to keep their skills as they need to stay informed on the latest trends and changes in technology.With Windows as the most popular OS across the world, developers have an overwhelming array of different sites and blogs which provides most useful and valuable news and information.  Here, I have given some useful Resources which helps any Dedicated help the Windows Developers : Windows Blog With the vast number of Windows blog, professional developers can easily get the latest information and resources right from the source for building their skills. This is a blog from Microsoft and it covers all types of technical details. The developer’s section should be on the reading list of every expert or beginner developers. The main blog section has news, tips, tutorial

Top 6 Modern Tools for Windows App Development

Today, many people believe that Windows app development is no more relevant in today’s time. However, it is not true at all as there are many new windows phone launches, so the scope of windows base app is increased day by day. For developing best Windows apps, there are many effective windows app development tools.  Here, is a list most effective Windows App Development tools : XAML Spy This is the relatively new tool but, one of the most effective tools in the recent time. XAML Spy is a visual runtime inspector for Windows Phone 8.x, Windows Store 8.x, and WPF Apps. This effective windows store app development tool can be used to gain access to all aspects of running XAML apps. XAML Spy can also monitor events in running XAML apps, and view statistics of running XAML apps. It can either be used as a Visual Studio extension, or as a standalone application. ZipApp ZipApp is another effective tool supported by Nokia and Microsoft and is a very easy to use o

How Windows App Development Can Help To Expand Business Online

Apps have changed the way we use our Smartphones and computers. With an app anyone can easily have access to information, maps, and games and just about anything that one can think of. While there are apps that are designed using various kinds of OS’s, apps for windows are designed keeping in mind devices that have the windows software loaded. Apps are not restricted to just businesses are for information; an individual today can create an app for his personal use as well.  With the help of windows app development programs one can have personal apps that help to organised ones day or apps that are designed to bring in returns like those for used to expand an eCommerce venture.  There are experts in windows app development who can easily come up with working solutions for any kind of app requirement. Windows App development has also been giving some serious competition to other popular app development programs like Android and iOS. For those looking to develop an app w